National Cat Lovers’ Month is celebrated every year in December. Use this month to shower your pet cats with love and show them your appreciation! Cats are beautiful, sassy, and fascinating creatures. Yes, they can be fiercely independent, hard to tame, and unpredictable creatures — but that’s not all. They can also be shy, loving, affectionate, outgoing, energetic, and loveable! Cats are often misunderstood and treated badly just because many people think of them as being aloof and standoffish. But the truth is that cats can be extremely playful and make for great companions! Use this month as an opportunity to show your love and support for our adorable feline friends!
Keep your cat Healthy
Cat and kitten vaccine guide:
1st Round Kitten (6-9 weeks old): FVRCP, FELV and dewormer
2nd Round Kitten (9-11 weeks old): FVRCP booster, FELV booster and dewormer
3rd Round Kitten (3 months old): Rabies, FVRCP booster, FELV booster and dewormer
Annually: Rabies booster, FVRCP booster, FELV booster and dewormer
Dewormer for dogs and cats: Strongid-T is a general dewormer that treats hookworms and roundworms. Most puppies are born with internal parasites or worms derived from their mother, so puppies should be given three doses of this dewormer. It is also used to treat worms in adult dogs.
Dewormer for Tapeworm in dogs and cats: Virbantal (dogs) and Drontal (Cats) is a dewormer that treats tapeworms. Tapeworms are caused by the ingestion of fleas.
Feline Leukemia Virus for cats (FeLV): Cats at greatest risk of FeLV infection are those that may be exposed to infected cats, either via prolonged close contact or through bite wounds. Such cats include cats living with infected cats or with cats of unknown infection status, cats allowed outdoors unsupervised where they may be bitten by an infected cat, and kittens born to infected mothers. Annual vaccinations are recommended.
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) testing for cats: This testing is recommended for all cats, especially those with unknown histories.
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) testing for cats: This testing is recommended for all cats, especially those with unknown histories. Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is one of the most common and consequential infectious diseases of cats around the world. In infected cats, FIV attacks the immune system, leaving the cat vulnerable to many other infections. The primary mode of transmission for FIV is through bite wounds from an infected cat.
FVRCP Combination for cats: This vaccine protects against common upper respiratory diseases such as Rhinotracheitis, Calici, Chlamydia, and Panleukopenia, that cats can catch even if they live indoors. It is recommended if your cat is ever boarded, hospitalized, etc. Many veterinarians, boarding and grooming facilities require this vaccination.
Rabies for cats and dogs: Rabies vaccines are required by law for all cats and dogs. Rabies is a fatal but preventable viral disease. It can spread to people and pets if they are bitten or scratched by a rabid animal. In the United States, rabies is mostly found in wild animals like bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. The rabies virus infects the central nervous system. If a person does not receive the appropriate medical care after a potential rabies exposure, the virus can cause disease in the brain, ultimately resulting in death. Rabies can be prevented by vaccinating pets, staying away from wildlife, and seeking medical care after potential exposures before symptoms start.