Happy Tails: How SNN’s Pet Support and Resource Center Kept One Prince Out of the City Shelter
When a husband’s coworker needed to rehome their dog, Amber agreed to hold onto “Prince” until the new owner could come by to pick him up. But the new owner never picked up Prince, and the old owner wouldn’t take him back. Unsure of what to do, Amber called Spay Neuter Network’s Pet Support and Resource Center to schedule an appointment to surrender the dog to the city shelter. With Amber starting nursing school, she didn’t have the money to get Prince vaccinated or buy him a new crate since the one he arrived in was very rusted.
We asked Amber if she would keep Prince if we could help her with those things. She got excited and said, “Yes, absolutely!” So, we provided her with a $50 voucher to get Prince vaccinated at one of our clinics, a new dog crate from Dallas Animal Services, and pet food from the DFW Humane Society Pet Food Assistance Program.
“These services made it possible for us to make Prince a part of our family,” said Amber. “Receiving these services meant Prince didn’t have to go the animal shelter.”
Thanks to the support of our community partners and generous donors, we can provide resources and assistance to ensure pets that need to be rehomed don’t end up at the city animal shelter. Amber’s story is just one example of how we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of both pets and their owners.
Join The Fix! Get access to internal communications, free tickets to events (like Lone Star Bark), have coffee with Jordan (SNN Executive Director) and the best benefit is knowing that you are helping create communities free of homeless pets. Becoming a member of The Fix is easy. Sign up to be a monthly donor and you’re in!