Baked Tuna Hearts

Use canned tuna, form it into little hearts and bake in the oven until warm for heart-shaped treats your cat will love. You can even mix in a little catnip for extra oomph. Just remember that, as with anything, these treats should be given in limited quantities. Large amounts of fat, sugar, or any food your cat is not used to getting can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or indigestion.

Mashed Frozen Banana

Mashed frozen banana has been touted as a healthy ice cream alternative for vegans, and is a perfectly safe treat for cats, too. It is best to slice the banana first, then freeze it. From there, either use a food processor to whip it together or wait until it has thawed slightly and use a spoon or fork to mash it.

Heart-Shaped Melon Slices

Fresh watermelon (without the seeds) or cantaloupe can be a wonderful, healthful treat for cats. And so easy. Just cut the melon into flat slices and use a heart shaped cookie cutter to make them into pretty red or orange hearts.

Carob-Dipped Strawberries

While chocolate is not safe for cats or dogs, carob is a safe alternative and, some would say, is just as delicious (an arguable point, we know). Melt down some carob chips and dip strawberries into it for a delicious chocolate-covered strawberry alternative your cat will love. And if your cat doesn’t love them? More for you!

Pink Salmon

Grill or bake up some salmon for your cat. It’s yummy, it has that wonderful fishy smell cats adore, and it’s pink. Plus. you can make some for yourself, too. Just leave out any garlic or onions, stick to butter or olive oil, and leave the skin on. For cats, the fatty fish skin is the best part!
